Boy making a splash with swim school management software

Australia’s favourite swim school management platform has undergone recent improvements to make life even easier for its users.

One of the key improvements has seen Udio put more power in the hands of its users’ customers, through improvements to the Customer Accounts functionality.

Customers can now view their child’s progress against current, past and future levels, view course information and watch videos via a You Tube link, view and download all Achievements and Course Completions, track results and personal bests from any time trials or carnivals, where the information is held by the facility, and add Direct Debit information.

Upgrades have also made it easier to add new sessions. Users can now run the same course on multiple days and times, and are now only required to add a duration rather than a start and finish time.

Udio is also working to make duplication much simpler for its term-based users, allowing customers to move their bookings in Customer Accounts. Work is happening behind the scenes to bring all systems up to date and Udio expects to issue procedures for this to its users in Term 4.

There have also been improvements and additions to Udio’s Reports. These include listing all invoices that are paid cancelled and outstanding; listing all Achievements; listing all Course Completions; birthdays by month; credits applied to accounts; listing all Reversals; and an update to the Fees Report.

Udio General Manager of Operations Sue Doncon says Udio is committed to the continued improvement of the platform to ensure it meets the needs of its users.

“We work closely with our users to understand their pain points and the things that would make their lives easier. We’re then able to prioritise that in house for our regular cycle of upgrades and improvements,” she said.

Udio has further upgrades planned over the coming months, including new Reports, as well as a review of its email system to add more template tags and filters to make it easier for users to contact their customers.

Users can stay up-to-date with the latest updates, improvements and new functionality by visiting the website regularly. They can also contact for more information, if the have any questions, or for assistance making the most of any of the changes.