Customer Voice Portal: Shape the future of our leisure software

Customers are at the heart of any product heading in a positive direction – and that rings true for us at Jonas Leisure. Our customers and your needs are at the forefront of everything we do as a business and the path we see ourselves embarking on. Your feedback has always guided the development roadmap for our products so we wanted to give you a platform where you can have a seat at the table and have your say.

The Customer Voice Portal is your go-to place to log any features requests you have for our leisure software product, Envibe, and our university club software, UniOne. These feature requests can be anything you can think of – big or small – that you think will make your life, and other users’ lives, easier. We’ve had logs for things as small as a new trigger field, all the way up to big-wish list items that affect major processes in the software. Everything is up for consideration!

You will be able to see the feature requests that have already been made by other users, and can vote on them accordingly. The more votes a feature request receives, the better its chance is of being considered for the development plan!

The Customer Voice Portal has already paved the way for features that are making a real difference to the user-experience in Envibe. At the start of the pandemic, one of the major problems our customers were experiencing was managing class cancellations when payment had already been taken and no future classes were being scheduled. Like the rest of the world during the pandemic, we had to “pivot” and find a solution to help sites process bulk cancellations for classes that had already been paid for.

Via the Customer Voice Portal, there was a feature request to apply bulk credit to members’ accounts for class cancellations. This credit could then be used for future class bookings once their leisure centre was permitted to reopen. This feature request was widely used by many sites that held classes during the pandemic and wouldn’t have been possible without the Customer Voice Portal.

Likewise, lesson-based debiting was a useful feature enhancement that originated from the Customer Voice Portal. This feature enhancement enabled sites that direct debited to factor in public holidays and the fact that classes wouldn’t run on those days – even though a member had already paid for it. This is a great example of our customers using our products in the real-world and offering suggestions for how it can better function to serve their needs.

Our development team reviews the feature requests on the Customer Service Portal regularly to determine what will go in the future development schedule. While we’d love to full-fill every idea and wish-list item that’s posted on the Customer Voice Portal, it just won’t be possible. We review each piece of feedback, especially those highest ranked in the portal, on a case-by-case basis. Feature requests that have a clear benefit globally for all users and are being upvoted by other users are all things our teams look for in the decision-making process. We communicate what features make it into the development schedule via status updates in the portal.

If you’d like to stay up to date with our development roadmap and what feature requests make it into the schedule, we have published a development roadmap which you can view at any time. All you need is to visit this link and enter your login details! We also post status updates on the original feature request thread on the Customer Voice Portal. The roadmap focusses on our long-term goals and plans for our products.

Click here to visit the Customer Voice Portal and start casting your request, and click here to visit the roadmap to see what’s in store for the future.